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Short Treks

Episode Ranks


After 10 episodes across two mini-seasons, Short Treks have made their mark on the Star Trek universe as an original and clever new format in which to showcase Trek stories. The short narratives range from tales linked directly to episodes of both Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard to original stories that look into the far future and distant pass that expand the lore of Trek.

Beyond the words on the page, the Short Treks take advantage of different storytelling genres, including two animated stories and one that could favorably be compared to a music video. We love what the Short Treks are able to showcase, and we break it all down below in our patented TrekRanks style in our current rankings below.

From a young animated Burnham to a canon-expanding tale about Harry Mudd to a preview of Star Trek: Picard, Short Treks seem to know no bounds.

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